Friday, July 31, 2009

Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007

Er gilt als einer der talentiertesten Gitarristen seiner Generation und als Meister der zweihändigen Tapping- Technik: Stanley Jordan. Seine Interpretationen sind berühmt-berüchtigt nur wenige schaffen derart grandios den Spagat zwischen Tradition und Moderne.
Seit er 1976 als bester Solist beim Reno Jazz Festival ausgezeichnet wurde und in der Folge mit zahlreichen Größen des Jazz (u.a. Dizzy Gillespie) auftrat gehört Jordan zu den großen seiner Zunft.
Mit seinem grandiosen Trio Charnett Muffett (Kontrabass) und David Haynes (Drums) trat er im Juli 2007 im legendären Pariser Jazzclub New Morning auf und riss das Publikum zu Begeisterungsstürmen hin.

English by Google:
He is considered one of the most talented guitarists of his generation and as a master of two-Tapping Technique: Stanley Jordan. His interpretations are notorious few create such a terrific balancing act between tradition and modernity.
Since 1976 he as the best soloist at the Reno Jazz Festival has been awarded and subsequently with numerous jazz greats (including Dizzy Gillespie) occurred Jordan belongs to the great of his guild.
With its magnificent trio Charnett Muffett (double bass) and David Haynes (drums), he joined in July 2007 at the legendary Parisian Jazz club New Morning in and pulled the audience storms out of enthusiasm.

Genre: Jazz, Fusion

When you hear 4 instruments playing by a trio, it's Stanley Jordan playing simultaneously giutar and piano!
LISTEN TO: Song For My Father

Line Up:

Stanley Jordan: guitars & piano
Charnett Moffett: bass
David Haynes: drums


  1. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 01. Yesterday

  2. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 02. A Place In Space

  3. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 03. Song For My Father

  4. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 04. All Blues

  5. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 05. New Morning Improv

  6. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 06. Improvised Excerpt From Bela Bartok's Concerto For Orchestra

  7. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 07. Mozarts Piano Concerto No. 21, 2nd Movement

  8. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 08. Now's The Time

  9. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 09. Naima

  10. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 10. Because

  11. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 11. Amazing Grace

  12. Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris Concert 2007 - 12. Return Expedition

Length: 01:45:24
Quality: Flac
Source: Audio Extract From DVD
Size: 699 MB

PW: yaqwedc


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